Spirit Attatchment

August 1, 2010

Spirit possession or spirit attatchment  is paranormal, supernatural, psychological  spirits, gods, angelic or diabolic/daemons (demonic possession), animas, or other disincarnate or extraterrestrial entities taking control of a human body, resulting in noticeable changes in health and behavior. The concept of spiritual possession exists in many religions, including Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, and Haitian Vodou and African traditions.

Sometimes, a person who has experienced soul loss or other traumas may find that they have become a host to suffering beings or entities. These suffering beings may live off of a person’s energy and influence them in a variety of ways. Illness, depression, phobias, emotional problems, substance abuse, suicidal tendencies and other issues may be in part due to the influence or overshadowing of beings that have attached to the client. These possessing beings are often people whose own death experience has become compromised in such a way that they did not successfully make their own journey to the Light. Compassionate Depossession is a humane therapy that benefits both the client and the attached suffering being, even if that suffering being is reluctant to cross into the Light. The compassionate healing embedded in this practice insures that a possessing spirit becomes unable to return to the host or to anyone else. 

Those who experience demonic possession have sometimes ascribed similar symptoms to those associated with mental illnesses such as psychosis, hysteria, mana, Tourette’s syndrome, epilepsy, schizophrenia or dissociative identity disorder to possession.  A constant feature of possession is involuntary, uncensored behavior, and an extra-human, extra-social aspect to the individual’s actions.  He is dehumanized, bereft of normal powers of recognition and reaction, and his speech and movements are distant from the societal norm. In the cases of animal possession, the individuals deportment suggests that of an animal.

De-possession is required by a Shaman to release the spirit,  by means of persuasion.


by Artist Charolette Self

